FCCW Building Update

This Blog was set up with the intent to keep the members freinds and family of First Christian Church of Warsaw Indiana informed of the progress of the new building.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Update 7/24/07

Brothers and Sisters

Yesterday and today, Monday and Tuesday July 24 and 24, 2007 are red letter days for our congregation!

Yesterday was our Gift in Kind meeting with our subcontractors. Dan Cook from Building God's Way in Utah with Jim Driggs from Sunrush Construction along with about twenty subcontractors met at the church for lunch served by Steve and Laura Kasper and Bill and Nanette Degaetano. Thank you Kaspers and Degaetanos! Ronnie introduced who we are and what we are about and Dan introduced the Gifts in Kind program. Almost all of our selected subcontractors were present or at least accounted for at the meeting. We expect to have the negotiated bids in the next couple weeks.

On Monday the building site survey stakes were put in place and this morning G&G Hauling and Excavation started preparing the building site. They have already moved a lot of topsoil today. The south stormwater retention pond is started and the north is soon to follow. The soil erosion control fencing was put in this afternoon. As long as we can get the driveway drain installed and backfilled with gravel before the rain forecast for Thursday, we should have the stormwater ponds and building site itself ready by the end of this week. Next week they will be working on the parking lot, more driveway and the drainage swales.

Our architect was in contact with the state today and we are expecting the state building permit or at least a response late this week!

We are expecting the General Contractor construction office trailer to be moved onsite in the next week or so. We are looking into setting up a web cam on the construction trailer when they have telephone, DSL and power so that we can watch the progress from our home via computers. We would like to also take a frame every 30 minutes or so to make a video of the progress - brainstorms abound right now! Jim has done this on a number of other projects.

Right now our general contractor and Dan are very optimistic about meeting and maybe even exceeding our GIK goal. We have a real good start already!

Pray for safety for our workers, pray for guidance for the various contractors, pray for a spiritual impact upon our workers.

In all of the excitement about building progress and building finances, do not lose sight of general fund finance needs this summer. A lot of us are out and about but expenses continue, if not increase a little, during the summer months.

Praise God!

Larry and Dave