FCCW Building Update

This Blog was set up with the intent to keep the members freinds and family of First Christian Church of Warsaw Indiana informed of the progress of the new building.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Update 6/6/07

Brothers and Sisters

Great news! NuCor completed their steel building design work early this week. Our site work engineering (driveways, parking lots and drainage plans) also was completed this week. BGW now plans to have all of the architectural work complete about June 18th.

We submitted our financing applications on June 22 to six financial institutions.

Dan Cook and crew are scheduling our potential contractors "Gift in Kind" meeting for the week of June 25 or July 2. We have potential GIK contractors for almost all of the different types of work. Thank you for your GIK lists of contacts.

Please continue to pray for the architectural and contractor staffs as the final "I's" and "T's" are dotted and crossed on our building plans. Also please pray for wisdom and guidance in finalizing our financing plans.

It now looks like we will be starting site preparations sometime in July, start concrete work in August and be enclosed well before the snow flies - wow did I say snow flies?

Larry & Dave