FCCW Building Update

This Blog was set up with the intent to keep the members freinds and family of First Christian Church of Warsaw Indiana informed of the progress of the new building.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Update 07/02/07

Brothers and Sisters

Our "Gift in Kind" subcontractor meeting is now scheduled for July 24 @12:00 PM at the church. Our "Ministry of Construction" team led by Steve Kasper and Bill Degaetano will be hosting the event with lunch for the participants. This meeting is so important for the financial success of our project - the additional time to prepare should enable us to be more prepared and have more people available.

We submitted a preliminary set of architectural and site drawings to the City of Warsaw Plan Department on June 22. The "official" final construction documents and building permit applications are scheduled to be submitted Friday July 6. Can you believe the 50 some pages of architectural drawings will be submitted via email to the state? The application itself with the original signatures will be submitted via snail mail. We signed off our part of the application on June 25th.

We will be starting the site preparations in the next couple weeks. We are going to install the stormwater retention ponds, the building and parking lot grading and the stormwater diversion swale along the west side of the site. This will assure us that any rainwater will be diverted around the site so that when we start digging the building footers in August we will have dry soils not soupy clay. This will also keep us within the state stormwater construction erosion control rules from the getgo. We will likely have some grass to cut yet this fall!!

We will have our final building construction costs in early August. While our bank financing has not be finalized, multiple banks have submitted proposals for our consideration. The bottom line will be the final building costs.

Our updated construction schedule as of today shows a final building completion in mid May of 2008. Schedules have been slipping but still inching ahead!

Keep praying. Pray next that as our contractors are contacted and the "Gift in Kind" concept is explained, that the Lord will give Ronnie, Dan Cook and Jim Driggs the words to help the contractors understand who we are (a body of believers), what we are about (the Lord's mission for us), the details of the building design and how the contractors might assist us in our ministry.

Dave & Larry