FCCW Building Update

This Blog was set up with the intent to keep the members freinds and family of First Christian Church of Warsaw Indiana informed of the progress of the new building.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Update 5/18/07

Brothers and Sisters

Our building design progress is on "hold". It seems NuCor (our pre-engineered building supplier) received orders for 35 new buildings mid April and their engineering department is overloaded. Currently, we are not expecting their final design until sometime in June. Our architect cannot complete their foundation design until they receive the building column loadings. The HVAC ductwork routing cannot be completed until the building beams have been located.

On a probably good note - the clay ground at our site will be much drier and easier to work (read that "less expensive to work") at little later in the summer. You may want to look at this link. It is our new church steeple!

HYPERLINK "http://www.fsiweb.com/products.asp?UnitNo=30&Index=stpindex

The finance committee is putting the finishing touches on our bank loan application packages. We are planning to submit the applications in the next week or so.

Keep our project in your prayers.

Larry and Dave