FCCW Building Update

This Blog was set up with the intent to keep the members freinds and family of First Christian Church of Warsaw Indiana informed of the progress of the new building.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Update 1/16/07


Last week's scheduled conference call was postponed until today. While today's did not happen either, I did talk with Casey our drafting person, our project coordinator. I while back I mentioned that Rolland, our architect, and his wife were expecting a child this spring but that she was on complete bed rest for the final 6 months of the term. Yesterday, they lost the pregnancy. Rolland will be out of the office all this week. Keep Rolland Lee, his wife and his family in your prayers.

Casey tells me that things are progressing nicely within the various BGW departments towards the 90% charette in the next few weeks.

We have received two quotations for the geothermal source and discharge wells. DCA is finishing the HVAC design using the geothermal approach.

We talked with Larry Long, the civil engineer today. He is expecting to have the site work preliminary estimate this week and will have the final site work estimate sometime in late February or early March. He will be using asphalt prices as of December 2006 in his estimates.

Last week I received another set of catalogs for the materials that we selected during the 50% charette from BGW for the 90% charette. I understand that the "color boards" were shipped last Friday for our review. "Color boards" are groupings of flooring, tile, paint, and carpet all mounted together on a board for our review. I will let you know about our next move on the color boards. I think we just hold on to them until John returns for the 90% charette.

That is the latest from Larry and my co-chair position.

Larry and Dave