FCCW Building Update

This Blog was set up with the intent to keep the members freinds and family of First Christian Church of Warsaw Indiana informed of the progress of the new building.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Update 4/27/07

Brothers and Sisters

It is getting closer!

Our final site engineering drawings and estimates are due late this week or early next. If you have not been out to the site lately, stop by and walk around the site. While you are there pray for the workers and suppliers that we will have the privilege of making contact. Pray that the workers and suppliers will see the Him through us and that this is not just another job to be done. The four outside parking lot and driveway corners and the building four corners are all staked out and marked. You will see the locations where we dug down to the footer levels to check the foundations loadings.

We received our updated soils reports yesterday and the final NuCor steel building drawings and numbers were to be in yesterday at the architect's.

The architectural work is nearing completion and will be ready for submission to the City of Warsaw and state building permit authorities about May 15.

Last night our finance committee met to make assignments to assemble the various pieces for our financing application package for the six completing financial institutions. It is our intent to have our financing applications submitted at the same time as the construction permitting.

Our finishes committee is currently tasked with determining the multipurpose room carpeting. That work should be completed the week of 4/30.

I have a new word - we moved the "proscenium" forward from the platform about 10' this week. That is the fancy word for that little short wall that comes down in the front of a platform. The "proscenium" creates a 'window' for the audience around the platform. Our "proscenium" will house the front theatre lighting fixtures and the LCD projectors and will somewhat protect them from basketballs etc. One would have to purposely aim a ball from the platform to order to hit the equipment hidden by the "proscenium". I am told that if one uses a new word in a sentence it will be committed to memory, we will see about that one.

If you have not turned in your Gift in Kind worksheets please give them to Larry, Scott or Dave ASAP! We are not asking you to make the contact with potential contractors or suppliers, just tell us of folks you know in the business. BGW will be making the actual contacts and inviting potential suppliers to all come to a project meeting in late May where we can talk about who we are, what we are about and how we plan to get there. We have only received three or four GIK forms thus far. This is a place where most all of us can assist.

Please pray for all of those of us working on this project.

Larry and Dave