FCCW Building Update

This Blog was set up with the intent to keep the members freinds and family of First Christian Church of Warsaw Indiana informed of the progress of the new building.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Update 2/20/07

This post is being delivered a little late due to either my email kicking back to Dave or because of the hectic pace at Biomet the past week I just plain missed it. I am inclined to believe the later. Hopfully we have the situation corrected.


Dan Cook and Scott McDonald joined Larry, I and the rest of the BGW crew for our weekly conference call on February 7, 2006. We were really pleased that Scott could join us and provide his opinion and insight on the local construction market and the HVAC design options.
I will backup a little and let you know that our construction estimates came in last week, way over our budget. It has been going on a year since the original numbers were updated. In summary, two weeks ago Dan Cook became very involved with our project when he saw the project estimates and compared that with our churches financial plan. We all acknowledge that the results our "Hearing from God" campaign defines our project's financial goals and limitations. Dan's efforts with his folk in the past two weeks has been to adjust our building design to our finances that God lead us to establish as His plan last early summer.

Presently our site work (everything greater than 5' from the building) is at about $100K less than planned but the building is still several hundred thousand above our goal. Dan is completely reworking the building design to "economize" to meet our goal but not to "cheapen".
Concrete costs have tripled in the past few years and steel costs have made hug jumps upward. At the moment, we are looking at using a steel structure for only the multipurpose room and wooden framework for the balance. With local housing new construction way down, we have a much better chance of using Amish wood framers than would usually be available. A steel structure requires huge concrete footers below each steel column. A wooden structure places the building foundation loading along several walls instead of on a few spots thus would need much less concrete. On this job, in the order of a $70K less of concrete, mind boggling.
When we selected the building finishes during the 50% charette it was what we wanted, prices were not a major consideration. Kind of like home purchases - we see what we like - then when we find the cost, then think again. The biggest item that we need to reconsider is the multipurpose room floor. There is a $56,000 savings by using a good grade of carpet rather than the synthetic polymer athletic floor we chose. The synthetic floor chosen was still half the cost of a wood floor - that was an easy decision.

The mezzanine storage area above the kitchen and rest room also has to go based upon costs. Not only would we have had the cost of the floor and wall structure, lighting etc for that second story space but all of the kitchen and rest room walls would have required much heavier construction in order to support a second story above. We will need to give consideration to a separate, maybe a pole type structure, later for additional long term storage. We also must consider lawn mower and maybe van storage. Maybe something in the order of $100K could probably serve those needs pretty well located on one of our north side lots behind the barn.
Scott and Dan spent a lot of time talking through our HVAC options, costs and their influence upon building design. Bottom Line: options that locate the HVAC equipment anywhere other than on the roof behind a parapet wall, pushes both HVAC and building costs well beyond our budget range.

Referring to changes to our architect's rendition of the building: The external changes at this point are the removal of the four outside corner canopies, lower the eve height to 10', shorten the parapet wall disguising the HVAC equipment to only the length of the multipurpose room (half the building length) and the balance of the roof line will have a straight sloped gabled look. The entry canopy, steeple, belfry and overall outside finishes all will remain the same.
At the moment, 2/7/07, the building is about $2.6M and site work about $300K. Dan expects something in the order of $500K of Gift in Kind for a total cost of about $2.4M. We are presently working on cutting back some of the $250K of site work for asphalt paving (a certain amount is required by code) and Dan is working to try to remove another several hundred thousand dollars of building costs. At this point we have not nailed down furnishings - that will come soon enough.

Keep praying for His Will not ours. It is down to the brass tacks time for fine detail tweaking for our project. Right now our Hearing From God Vision has been expanded to "lines on the paper" or more accurately, lots of computer files. Soon it will be bricks, mortar and sweat and soon to be our Lord's tool!

Dave & Larry