FCCW Building Update

This Blog was set up with the intent to keep the members freinds and family of First Christian Church of Warsaw Indiana informed of the progress of the new building.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Update 12/20/06


Please forgive me for my tardy response from the 50% Charette of 12/14/06. We covered an amazing amount of data and information during the charette and made a tremendous amount of decisions. As best as I can remember, there were about fourteen FCC individuals and three BGW/Sunrush staff involved with the charette. The morning meetings were primarily on the Gifts in Kind (GIK) and Ministry of Construction (MOC) programs. Scott, Larry and I are the GIK persons and Steve, Laura and Gary are the MOC staff. We are pumped up and anxious to get started. GIK will get moving in February (sub-contractor bidding time) and MOC will not be until the March - April time frame (workers on site).

The most action of the day was during the afternoon sessions. Early afternoon was a plan review and "red line" marking up of the 50% architectural drawings. We have had so many meetings and conference calls, not all of the details made it into the 50% drawings - that is the whole point of the 50% review. Most of those items were discussed with BGW in our Monday afternoon conference call yesterday. Usually there are at least seven or more persons spread out across the country as part of those discussions.

From my perspective, last weeks meetings were a major turning point for FCC. Way back when this whole project got started we had a lot of folks involved with outlining and defining the scope and needs of our church program. For many reasons, summarized by simply God's timing, we have been pretty much in a holding pattern up until last fall. While there has been a lot of activity since then on the part of the elders, the building co-chairmen, Daniel Cook & Associates (DCA), Building God's Way (BGW) and Sunrush Construction, we have really only been getting the building design and drawings massaged to fit our original needs assembled several years ago by various committees. At this 50% design point at lot more folks are getting involved.

The 50% Charette is the point where many different groups within our body are brought back into the decision making process for the implementation of their ideas. It was really fun for Larry and I to see the various ministry groups working together to make building finishing decisions. FCC sure does not need Larry and I picking out the color schemes, carpeting, porcelain tile and on and on.

BGW and Sunrush will be integrating our input back into the drawings and specifications for the project. With the Holidays upon us, we do not expect much activity or interaction until early January. Nucor and BGW has redesigned the building structure - less complex, easier to construct and less costly. Presently, we are expecting building budget numbers in early January - where the rubber hits the road! Pray for His will and guidance!

In late January or early February we will have a 90% charette. BGW will be back with final drawings and "color boards" putting together samples of our paint, carpet and finishes for final review. The finishing committee assembled two overall color schemes for their final determination at that point. Scott and the kitchen committee are further customizing the kitchen to better fit our needs and local sourcing. The Audio/Visual (AV) committee is getting an additional proposal from another national AV company that happens to be in South Bend. They too specialize in church AV design and priced as a "ministry".

Our local site engineer, Larry R. Long and Associates, will have our final site design and specs complete about the same time as the 90% Charette. Site work, building site prep, driveway and parking lot, could begin as soon as weather permits (March or so).

In late February or early March we will have the completed architectural design drawings and costs.

Currently, we are looking at a possible construction start, digging footers and pouring concrete, about mid April. If things remain "on track" that means we would be ready to move in sometime in late November.

Again, the 50% draft drawings are at Dave's office. Call, if you would like to have a look.