FCCW Building Update

This Blog was set up with the intent to keep the members freinds and family of First Christian Church of Warsaw Indiana informed of the progress of the new building.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Update 4/06/07

Brothers and Sisters

Today our site engineer, the excavator and a soils scientist dug test holes with a backhoe on all four sides of the building and tested down to the bottom of the footer levels. The preliminary result (verbal) is that we have much better soil conditions than the borings indicated last fall. The formal written report will be submitted late the week of 4/9/07. In summary, the initial 1,500# ratings are more like 2,500 to 3,000#.

I should note that both the excavator and the soil scientist both worked on the WCC site next door to the south and have lots of experience with these types of soil.

Our initial site civil engineering work included drains every 20 ft under both the parking lot and the building. Now they are looking at putting a subsoil collection drain below a swale along the west - northwest side of the building only (collect/intercept the uphill water). Since the parking lot will be graded early summer, it will allow any soil moisture to drain and yield much better compaction prior to paving this fall.

For the rest of the elders - this allows good construction techniques but at much lower costs. Go out to the construction site - all four corners of the building and the outside edges of the parking lot have been staked out and labeled.

Gary, I do not know what arrangements have been made with our farmer for '07. We will need to be using the low spot north west of the church building to put the excess topsoil from the building and parking lot. The little woods including the junk that is located on the far west corner of the parking lot/driveway will need to be removed. It does not look like we should farm the west side during '07 (or only farm the west - southwest side) but we well could farm everything west of the parking lot the following year. It probably would be a better field both for the farmer and us, if we want a baseball diamond or at some later point.

The 90% drawings were received this week. The president and site manager for Sunrush (our general contractor) will be meeting with Scott McDonald and myself most of the day on Friday this week reviewing our drawings and making initial Gift In Kind discussions.

Have a blessed Easter weekend.

Dave and Larry