FCCW Building Update

This Blog was set up with the intent to keep the members freinds and family of First Christian Church of Warsaw Indiana informed of the progress of the new building.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Update 12/11/06


Today's (12/18/06) weekly conference call was shorter than normal with our 50% design charette coming this Thursday.

We further discussed the HVAC geothermal situation. BGW will re-check the cooling requirements and get back to us next week. The timing for working out the HVAC equipment is about right according to Casey.

John Smith just called to confirm his arrival @9:00 AM 12/19/06 for the 50% Charette.

It just occurred to me that I forgot about the NAIER question during our meeting. I will bring it up on Thursday with John.

We received the 50% design drawings this afternoon. There are 20-30 pages of "D" size (24"x26") drawings to review. If any of you want to review, call me. I will keep them at my office. The drawings will be reviewed with John during the 50% design charette.

Dave & Larry