FCCW Building Update

This Blog was set up with the intent to keep the members freinds and family of First Christian Church of Warsaw Indiana informed of the progress of the new building.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Update 12/05/06


We just finished our weekly building conference call a few minutes ago. I will write while fresh on my mind.

The gable roof vs. the flat root issue has now been put to bed. The roof now has a uniform pitch the length of the building - I think 3:12.

We have added a second floor above the restrooms and kitchen for "long term storage for Christmas decorations etc." and about half of the HVAC equipment. Access will be via ladder in the janitor's closet and a set of second story doors in the multipurpose room. Those doors will be accessed either via a movable set of stairs or ladder. The other half of the HVAC equipment will be located ground level outside at the four building corners.

Our bell details have been submitted for final belfry construction detail design.

Our lighting plan showing switch banking for the multi-purpose room, platform and junior church has been edited and re-submitted to DCA.

Small windows have been added to all room doors. A cry room window has been added to the classroom door about mid-court in the multipurpose room wall.

A sports equipment storage room has been added beside the back door exit corridor.

The back door canopy has been reduced to a simple landing with rain canopy.

The geothermal vs. conventional HVAC alternatives is continuing to develop. The only thing really determined at this point is that if we use geothermal, the discharge water will need to be disposed via a second well because of the large peak flow rate.

The built-in handicap lift in the platform has been replaced with a portable lift, stored in the closet to the right of the platform.

The folding wall protecting the platform area has been replaced with a track mounted ball net that will retract into a slot in the left platform wall.

Dave has the latest prints at his office, 1131 East Winona, if anyone wants to review.

Dave & Larry