FCCW Building Update

This Blog was set up with the intent to keep the members freinds and family of First Christian Church of Warsaw Indiana informed of the progress of the new building.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Update 12/8/07

Here are two artsy pictures of the sunrise through the portico as our steel structure is going up. The aerial photo was taken the evening of the day the steel building arrived, the last truck is just pulling around and the foundation is mostly complete.

Steve and company (FCC Ministry of Construction) have been doing a great job in having water and snacks on-site every work day. The owner of our concrete contractor firm told me he has never seen such thankfulness from building owners.

Have any good ideas for "heavenly graphitti"? If we do graffiti in the next few hours, we can probably get something on the main top beam across the roadside end of the building before it is raised into place.

We are collecting "things" for a 50 year time capsule in the next few weeks. We have solicited keepsakes, letters to family, letters to church, history of "church". We will build the "time capsule" from stainless steel to fit the contents and place in the wall just inside the main entrance. We have talked about having the local monument company make us a plaque of some type for the wall.

We are talking about having some kind of "steeple raising event" sometime in January.

Larry & Dave

Definition: "Heavenly Graphitti" - Scripture reference, scripture verse or saying placed in strategic positions around the building site on steel structure, walls, or any conspicuous place using spray paint, chalk, markers, poster.