FCCW Building Update

This Blog was set up with the intent to keep the members freinds and family of First Christian Church of Warsaw Indiana informed of the progress of the new building.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Update 4-1-08

Brothers and Sisters

Excitement is building (now how is that for a pun!). We are proceeding with planning for a 64' x 40' utility building of pole type construction located on the back corner driveway, near the remaining patch of trees. It has three garage doors and a people door. There will be electric service but no water. We will use it for vans, lawn equipment and miscellaneous storage.

On Sunday afternoon April 27 from 1:00 PM until dark our new church building will be open for "Holy Graffiti" and tours. Most of the elders will be present for questions and optional guided tours. Building maps will be available showing room uses. Right now, the inside of the building looks "cavernous" without internal walls.

"Holy Graffiti" - is just as the name implies, bring your own felt tipped pens and put your own long lasting ideas where ever. Write or draw on anything other than the window glass and frames. Our primary purpose is to be be witnesses to our construction workers. Some of the workers are Christians, many are not. We want all of our workers to know as they are working, that we care about them and that our physical building is much more than just another concrete, steel, wood, piping, wiring and drywall project. It is a tool for work in God's kingdom. While all of our "Holy Graffiti" eventually will be covered up with drywall, carpeting and tile, we will later each remember our thoughts of what we put where.

Youth may want to draw some kind of Christian artwork on the floor in their area. Sunday school teachers may want to put something on the outside walls, window sills or floor in their rooms. Some scripture references are kind of obvious, others you may want to write out. Have fun proclaiming Him!

Please all who can, come but be aware that this is a construction site, safety is of utmost concern. By "Holy Graffiti" day, the concrete floor will be in and there likely will be building materials throughout the building. Our crews will attempt to minimize trip hazards, sharp edges etc. prior to our fun afternoon together at our new church building but we all must also be careful.

Our number #1 sidewalk superintendent, Joe Sanburn, has a few more pictures for our enjoyment. The view of the southwest corner shows the platform, baptistry area without the "skin". The start of the heating and cooling units can be seen on the roof.

The entrance picture is taken from the driveway of the church next door. The platform area was enclosed the following day from the preceding picture. The cross will be located on the right end of the building, the end towards Ranch Road.

The north side picture is the view from Park Ridge Drive. In this picture, the cross will be on the left end of the church.

We anticipate the steel workers to be complete the week of March 31. The carpenters are now working on the entrance canopy framing. The outside brickwork will start in early April.

Pray for continued work crew safety and for wisdom as we work out the furnishings details.

Larry and Dave